Kamis, 02 Agustus 2018

Daily activity english sub

yahh.. today is friends and my team learned to make Tarlet.The learning process in the form of practice to make a meal tarlet is not easy without knowing how to make it guys....so.. before we start to make it , our lecturer taught us how to make and techniques in making the Tarlet.and here I will describe how to make tarlet according to what we know.

first prepare the ingredients
 - eggs
-flour ( boga sari)
-milk powder

 to make the dough, mix the flour,sugar,milk powder, mayzena and stir until evenly distributed.
after that ,put the butter and stir until evenly again

after that put the eggs and stir the batter ,and don't take too long to stir it , expect all the ingredients are mixed evenly ,after that let stand the batter at frezer up to 10 to 15 minutes
 , so that butter in the dough does not melt.after let stand , roll the dough to the thinness of 0.5 to 1 cm.
Next,put dough into the mold carefully so that the dough is not damaged and does not crack easily when baked

I think nough for this day ,
which is beneficial please to take , and if there is wrong please in the comments, because for a student like us , the input is a new science for us...

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